“Survival means to grab your life, hold on to it and do everything to overcome a threatening situation.” Nauka Codex
The need for survival is an essential part of our being. Every species has to face its own problems and find solutions. As humans, we can use our given factors, like intelligence and strength, but the ability to adapt is one of the most important survival factors.Building on the heritage of its ancestors, Nauka Survival analyses possible dangers, finds matching solutions and creates the proper trainings.
Unfortunately, we are still subjected to devastating violence nowadays. Crime, war and terrorism are real, they are happening somewhere in the world right now and they can hit us, too. We tend to close our eyes from suffering and violence, when we are not involved and it happens “somewhere else”. If something happens to us, we lack the ability to quickly adapt to the new situations, because we are dependent from the luxuries of our everyday lives.
One can be affected at home, in public places, while travelling, at work or at leisure activities. We can prepare ourselves to react as effective as possible during an incident. The training should not create fears or prejudices, but it should help to understand and to control them. The goal is the protection of life and to function better in dangerous and chaotic situations, you need qualitative training and first of all: acceptance of reality.
It is dangerous to live in imaginary safety bubbles, because of growing up in save environments and with stable governments. How quickly this can change, can be easily seen in history and current news from other parts of the world. One of many examples was Yugoslavia in Europe, a prospering, rich and functional country, with many tourist visits and business partners in the whole world. Within a short time, the whole country was drawn into a pool of civil war, unrest and violence, which led to a painful legacy. The Yugoslavia case was a major reason for the Nauka founders to research survival methods. It provided a deep source of knowledge, which came from personal experience and learning from other survivors. Current conflicts from other parts of the world can be found in the media, though many of them remain unnoticed by most people.
Survival Situation Examples
Wilderness, rural or urban environments • Kidnapping or hijacking • Terrorist actions • Pandemics • Extremist actions • Criminal actions (raid, assault, robbery, mugging, rape, rampage) • Riots • Collapses (government, economic, important sectors) • Disasters (nuclear, biological, industrial, natural) • Wars • Accidents • Getting lost or trapped (in unknown areas for a longer period) • Diseases (outbreaks, epidemics, pandemics) • Disruptions (of the habitual life)
Survival Training Examples
Home Safety • Travel Safety • Work Safety • Urbex & Wildex • Reliable Gear • Minimalism • Wilderness Survival • Urban Survival • Regional Characteristics • Everyday Carry (EDC) • Rampage Survival (Amok, Active Shooter and others) • Terrorism • Captivity • Medical Care • Mental Preparation • Low Light • Wastecraft (Rebuilding objects out of junk) • Group Preparation
Always learning and evolving. Nauka is constantly exchanging knowledge with worldwide experts, like special forces, rescue service, police and military, survivalists and our students. A relevant source of knowledge for Nauka are also refugees, homeless people and criminals. Remember: “To successfully defend against something, one must first understand it.” Nauka Codex